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2023 Winter Cut Flower Webinar Series

 Registration is closed for this event

Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Regional Capital Area Agriculture & Horticulture Program are pleased to present the 2023 Winter Cut Flower Webinar Series, via Zoom. The series features six sessions on topics of value to cut flower growers and will be presented from January 10 to February 14, 2023.

Residents of the CAAHP service area (Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady and Washington Counties) pay $15.00/session, or $75.00 for all sessions. Residents outside the CAAHP service area pay $20.00/session, or $100 for all sessions.

Once you have registered, you will be directed to Paypal, our credit card payment provider. You DO NOT have to join Paypal to pay. Please look under the form on the first Paypal page you are directed to and click on "PAY BY CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD". This way you can pay without opening a Paypal account. 

NYSDEC pesticide application credits available, Categories: 1A, 3A, 3C, 24 & 25 after select sessions.

Program questions, Jingjing Yin, (518)429-8608/

Registration/information:, or (518)765-3518/

Session 1: 1/10/2023

1:00 PM: Cutting Out Cut Flower Diseases (pesticide credits available) - Speaker: Margery Daughtrey, Plant Pathologist, Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

2:00 PM: Stump the Professor (Bring All Your Bulb Questions!) - Speaker: Dr. Bill Miller, Professor in Floriculture, Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science, Horticulture Section

Session 2: 1/17/2023

1:00 PM: Promoting Biological Control in Cut Flower Production (pesticide credits available) - Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Lamb, Ornamentals IPM Coordinator, NYS Integrated Pest Management

2:00 PM: What Are Biopesticides and Should I Be Using Them on My Cut Flowers? (pesticide credits available) - Speaker: Dr. Amara Dunn, Biocontrol Specialist, NYS Integrated Pest Management

Session 3: 1/24/2023

2:00 PM: USDA-NRCS High Tunnel Initiative - Speaker: Dianna Stanton, District Conservationist, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service

2:45 PM: Choosing the Right Cut Flowers for Your Farm - Speaker: Hannah Volpi, Farmer Florist – Founder, Owner, Operator of Foxi Flora

Session 4: 1/31/2023

1:00 PM: Tarping and Soil Health - Speaker: Crystal Stewart-Courtens, Regional Vegetable Specialist, Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension

2:00 PM: Tunnels Low to High: Maximizing Season Extension for Cut Flowers on Limited Land - Speaker: Dr. Melanie Stock, Assistant Professor and Urban & Small Farms Extension Specialist, Utah State University, College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Session 5: 2/7/2023

1:00 PM: Cut Flowers: Pests Love Them Too! (pesticide credits available) - Speaker: Daniel Gilrein, Entomologist and Associate Agricultural Program Director, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County

2:00 PM: New Cut Flower Varieties to Grow - Speaker: Dave Dowling, Cut Flower Specialist, Ball ColorLink

Session 6: 2/14/2023

1:00 PM: Ways to Market and Diversify Your Cut Flower Operations - Speaker: Lindsey Pashow, Agriculture Business Development and Marketing Specialist, Harvest NY, Cornell Cooperative Extension

2:00 PM: Optimizing Irrigation Water Quality in Tunnels - Speaker: Dr. Jingjing Yin, Regional Commercial Horticulture Educator, Capital Area Agriculture and Horticulture Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension

January 10th, 2023 12:00 AM to February 14th, 2023 11:59 PM
ZOOM Meeting
United States
Event Fee(s)
Winter Cut Flower Webinar Series 2023
CAAHP AREA Session 1, 1/10, Cutting Out Cut Flower Diseases (credits available) & Stump the Professor $15.00
CAAHP AREA Session 2, 1/17, Promoting Biological Control in Cut Flower Production (credits available) & What are Biopesticides (credits available) $15.00
CAAHP AREA Session 3, 1/24, USDA-NRCS High Tunnel Initiative & Choosing the Right Cut Flowers for Your Farm $15.00
CAAHP AREA Session 4, 1/31, Tarping and Soil Health & Tunnels Low to High: Maximizing Season Extension $15.00
CAAHP AREA Session 5, 2/7, Cut Flowers: Pests Love Them Too! (credits available) & New Cut Flower Varieties to Grow $15.00
CAAHP AREA Session 6, 2/14, Ways to Market and Diversity Your Cut Flower Operations & Optimizing irrigation Water Quality in Tunnels $15.00
CAAHP AREA All six sessions $75.00
OTHER AREAS Session 1, 1/10, Cutting Out Cut Flower Diseases (credits available) & Stump the Professor $20.00
OTHER AREAS Session 2, 1/17, Promoting Biological Control in Cut Flower Production (credits available)& What are Biopesticides (credits available) $20.00
OTHER AREAS Session 3, 1/24,USDA-NRCS High Tunnel Initiative & Choosing the Right Cut Flowers for Your Farm $20.00
OTHER AREAS Session 4, 1/31, Tarping and Soil Health & Tunnels Low to High: Maximizing Season Extension $20.00
OTHER AREAS Session 5, 2/7, Cut flowers: Pests Love Them Too! (credits available) & New Cut Flower Varieties to Grow $20.00
OTHER AREAS Session 6, 2/14, Ways to Market and Diversity Your Cut Flower Operations & Optimizing irrigation Water Quality in Tunnels $20.00
OTHER AREAS All six sessions $100.00

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