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Baskets to Pallets Virtual Workshop

 Registration is closed for this event

Are you looking to diversify sales beyond the farmers' markets, CSA, and farm stand? Food hubs, grocery stores, restaurants and cooperatives are looking for your products to meet growing consumer demand for local and sustainably produced food. However, successful business with wholesale buyers requires planning and preparation.

The ‘Baskets to Pallets’ virtual course is designed for farmers of all types and will be presented online via Zoom. From participating in this virtual workshop series, you will gain knowledge and skills that will help you successfully transition to wholesale marketing or to expand wholesale market sales for your farm business successfully.

'Baskets to Pallets' covers building relationships with buyers, customer management, record keeping, pricing, grading, packaging, uniformity and consistency, and food safety. It also includes opportunities for peer learning and small group discussion.

The cost for the workshop is $50.00 per person. This registration fee covers the cost of materials which will be delivered to participants electronically. FSA Borrower Training Credits are available.

For assistance with registration, contact Dara Boudreaux at 518-765-3518/  For more information about the workshop, contact Steve Hadcock at 518-380-1497 or

The ‘Baskets to Pallets’ course is co-hosted by the Central NY Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program, CCE Capital Area Agricultural and Horticultural Program, and Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program.


March 21st, 2024 10:00 AM to March 28th, 2024 2:00 PM
Online via Zoom
United States
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee $50.00

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